Beekeeping Basics Workshop with Bees in the D
Join Brian Peterson, from Bees in the D, as he shares his passion about the education and conservation of the all-important pollinator, the honeybee. He will share his journey into the world of beekeeping, explaining common misconceptions, and the fascinating life of the honeybee. Workshop participants will learn the basics of beekeeping, what tools are needed, and have the opportunity to visit active hives to collect and taste the honey. Join us to find out what the buzz is about with beekeeping!
This is a full day workshop. Please pack a lunch to bring with you.
Pre-registration required.
FEE: $80 per person.
Please create a user account that includes each person registering for the event.
Activity Workshops
Session Beekeeping Basics June 2025
Location OAC
Room/Facility Multiple Facilities
Address 1801 Atwater Street Detroit, MI 48207
Phone 844-622-6367
Date Range 06/01
Schedule Details 9a-4p on Sat 06/01/2025 at OAC Room 204
Age/Gender 11/up
Activity Code The More You Know...
Fee $80.00
Registration Feb 26 6a-May 31 Noon
Max Participants 20
Instructor Bees In The D